Friday, October 31, 2014

Gas under 3$ Nationwide

For the first time in four years, gas is now under 3$ dollars nationwide.  This is so surprising to the nation that citizens are posting photos of gas prices and even doing things differently with how they fill up their car.  According to Foxnews, the national average of gas has fallen 33 cents in the month of October, landing at about $3.00 per gallon in the States.  When the national average of gas raised above $3.00 in the end of 2010, people thought they would never see $2.99 again.  Global demand for oil and gasoline was rising as people in developing countries bought cars by the millions and turmoil was brewing in the oil-rich Middle East.  Now that demand is not rising as fast, drillers have learned to tap new sources of oil, particularly in the United States.  Seasonal swings and other factors will most likely send gas prices back up in the future but the U.S. is on track of keeping it that way and we are hoping to have even cheaper gas prices in 2015.  In June of 2014, oil fell from a whopping $108 dollars a barrel to about $81 dollars per barrel because there's a lot of supply and weak demand in the U.S.  According to an article that I read, last year around this time gas was around $3.51,  at $2.99 this year it will save you approximately $50 per year.  The drop in gas prices will also affect U.S. economy by saving $187 million per day and it will boost the profits of any employees out on delivery or sales calls.  So let hope gas prices keep lowering by the day and it will make our lives easier by the day.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Additional Healthcare workers at Dallas will get Ebola

In this article from Real Clear Politics,  Josh Earnest explains how Ebola is still around even though Mr. Duncan the original Ebola patient passed away about a week ago.  He states that Ebola will most likely be around for a good while and that there is a high chance that one or many of the healthcare workers that were in contact with Mr. Duncan may have Ebola.  Healthcare workers in Dallas have been monitored daily for any small signs of Ebola.  He says that projections are less important because the risk of a widespread outbreak of Ebola in the United States is really low.  We don't really know whats going to happen from here.  Something that should be done, is checking people from foreign countries like Africa for sicknesses like Ebola and the United States should be more cautious about what comes in and out of our country.  It is certainly possible that other individuals will travel to this country that show no symptoms of a sickness but after they arrive have the virus.  President Obama directed that we will now detect, isolate and treat those individuals in a way that protects the citizens of the United States and every healthcare worker in the United States.  This article was intended to calm the drama across the United States because people are worried that this Ebola virus will spread drastically, when really its only a few people that were in contact with Mr. Duncan that have it.  In my opinion, this Ebola virus will soon go away...  Ive heard that Ebola has been around since the 1980's in Africa and that its not a big deal.  Ebola is very bad and people die from it but at the same time i think the government told us to scare the citizens of the U.S.  Lets hope Ebola doesn't spread more than it already has.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Amid Ebola fears, should the U.S. ban air travel from West Africa?

In this article by Jake Miller CBS-NEWS, it states that the U.S. should ban travel to and from West Africa due to the virus Ebola coming from there.  Jake Miller provides a concern to this virus that is being spread across the United States.  The first diagnosis of Ebola in the U.S., occurred on Monday here in Texas.  Thomas Eric Duncan a liberian national, left West Africa on a flight to the U.S. on September 19.  He was accepted to Texas Health Presbyterian hospital in Dallas on September 26, he was complaining of flu-like symptoms, shortly thereafter he was released.  Two days later as symptoms stay the same, he returned to the hospital and was diagnosed with Ebola and he was also placed in isolation.  Lisa Monaco, a homeland security advisor to president Obama, said during a new conference in the white house that we should ban flight to and from West Africa.  In one of her opinions she states that the most effective way to control this is to simply not allow the passenger on board if sick.  Dozens and dozens of people have already been not let on board of a plane for Ebola like symptoms.  "We should stop accepting flights from countries that are Ebola stricken", said Governor Bobby Jindal, R-Louisiana, in a statement.  Even countries in Africa have banned flights due to Ebola.  I agree, i think we should ban flights ASAP and we should have banned flights from West Africa at the beginning of this year because now its spread and hopefully we can cure every single cause of it and get it out of our country.